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Social Network Safety

Facebook, Twitter, and others are the leaders in today’s online social networking sites. Social networking sites are a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use social networking sites to keep up with friends, upload a number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Yet an increasing number of people are being harassed, having their identity stolen, and legal actions brought against them. Below is a helpful list of things to beware of while using these sites and precautions to take to ensure yourself security. The Three Steps in Online Social Networking Safety

The Three Steps in Online Social Networking Safety

  1. If you wouldn’t post it on a resume don’t post it on the net.
    Before you enter that room to get that high paying job you might have already lost it. Numerous employers and scouring the internet and social networking sites to see what they can find out about potential employees. If you have inappropriate pictures, belong to inappropriate groups, or a number of other things this could severally dampen your chances of receiving that job you wanted. Be sure to check the appropriateness of your page and keep in mind you never know who is looking at it.
  2. Sensitive information is for your eyes only
    A rising number of people are exposing sensitive information on social networking sites. Many don’t realize that what they post can be read by people they don’t know, and the information on their sites can be used maliciously and for identity theft. If you have sensitive information such as mothers maiden names, social security numbers, credit card numbers, or others do not post them on the site or send them to anyone else.
  3. Remember safety is always your first concern
    Although Facebook does offer a wide variety of safety settings it is still your number one concern to be cautious when using it. Remember that people you don’t even know could gain access to your page and see and revealing information that you may have. Don’t post home addresses, telephone numbers, or any other identifying information. Another good tip is to remember just because you deleted from your page doesn’t mean it’s gone, someone could have downloaded or kept your information somewhere else. Safety is and always should be everyone’s number one concern.


  • Never post personnel or sensitive information on a social site.
  • Be careful how much information you share in your profile.
  • Be careful clicking unsolicited links inside social sites.
  • Keep in mind that when you access applications or games on a social site, you are often giving complete strangers access to you and your friend’s profiles.