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Find_SSNs Build

How to build a custom, standalone Find_SSNs Windows executable specifically for your users.

  1. Modify the Find_SSNs source code however you like. You may modify the source code with a text editor.
  2. A Windows PC is required to build the Windows executable (32-bit Windows XP or Vista is ideal).
  3. Python and wxPython and Python Windows Extensions should be installed, tested and working on the Windows PC.
  4. Python should be in your path.
  5. Use subversion to get PyInstaller trunk from SVN
  6. From a cmd prompt, cd to the pyinstaller folder and run python (for our purposes, this step is only required once at install).
  7. Place the modified Find_SSNs source code file into the pyinstaller folder.
  8. Place a file.ico file in the pyinstaller folder.
  9. From a cmd prompt, in the pyinstaller folder, run these two commands:
    python -F --icon=file.ico Find_SSNs.pyw
    python Find_SSNs/Find_SSNs.spec

Now, there should be a folder within the pyinstaller folder named Find_SSNs. Your Windows executable will be located there. You may now distribute it.